The Millionaire Guide On Artificial Intelligence Is To Help You Get Rich.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) history
The idea of AI goes back to the classical ages. Under Greek mythology the concept of machines and mechanical men who well thought of. An example is Talos. Talos was supposedly a giant animated bronze warrior who was programmed to guard the island of ‘crete’. “Artificial Intelligence Is”
Now let’s get back to the 19th century. In1950 Alan Turing proposed the Turing test. Turing test basically determines whether or not a computer can intelligently think like a human being. The Turing check was the primary serious proposal within the philosophy of computing.
1951 marked the era for game artificial intelligence. This period was called “game AI” because there are a lot of computer scientists who developed programs with checkers and pictures. However, these programs were later rewritten and redone in a better way.
In 1956 John McCarthy first coined the term "artificial intelligence."
since the emergence of artificial intelligence in the 1950s, we have seen exponential growth in its potential. AI covers domains such as machine learning deep learning, neural networks, natural language processing, knowledge-based expert system, and so on. Now that you know a brief history of artificial intelligence.

What is artificial narrow intelligence?
Artificial narrow intelligence and also known as “weak AI“. This stage of artificial intelligence involved machines that can perform only a narrowly defined set of specific tasks. Right at the stage, the machines don’t possess any thinking ability.
They just perform a set of predefined functions. Examples of weak AI include Siri, Alexa, AlphaGo, Sophia, self-driving cars, and so on. Almost all the AI-based systems that built till the state fall under the category of weak AI or Artificial narrow intelligence.
What is artificial general intelligence?
Artificial general intelligence also called “strong AI”. This stage is the evolution of intelligence wherein machines will possess the ability to think and make decisions just like human beings. At currently there are no existing examples of strong AI, but it’s believed that we will soon able to create machines that are as smart as human beings.
Strong AI actually considered a threat to human existence by many scientists this includes Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking quoted that “the development of full Artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race”.
What is artificial super intelligence?
Artificial Superintelligence is that stage of AI when the capability of computers will surpass human beings. Artificial superintelligence saw as a hypothetical situation as depicted in movies and science fiction books. You see a lot of movies show that machines are taking over the world all of that is Artificial superintelligence.
I believe the machines are not very far from reaching the stage taking into consideration a current base, however, such systems don’t currently exist right we know have any machine that is capable of Thinking better than a human being or reasoning in a better way than a human. Artificial Superintelligence basically any robot that is much smarter than humans.
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