5 Quick Tips Regarding Solar Tent.

Harshal Wahane
2 min readMar 7, 2021


The solar tent is a special type of tent in which the tent holds energy generated from the sunlight as a heat source during nighttime. This tent does not use solar cells or plated for energy generation neither battery. It is totally Eco friendly.

Inspiration source

The accident which inspired him most is the conflict between India and China. In this critical situation, both countries posted their 50,000 soldiers at the border. Many families lost their son. When soldiers live in such harsh conditions in containers and tents, they burn fossil fuels like kerosene in large amounts to get heat. This contributes to air pollution and the amount of co2 in the atmosphere which leads to climatic change and the greenhouse effect. In areas like Ladakh, glaciers started melting in large amounts.


Sonam Wangchuk invented this solar tent at HYAL. HYAL stands for Himalaya Institute of Alternative Ladakh. HYAL is an Alternative University. At HYAL many research projects are conducted to improve the lifestyle of people living in the mountains and how to use the native resources to improve quality of life. Hence they invested many years in developing the solar-heated tents. Sonam Wangchuk invented this tent 15 years ago. They tried this on the shepherds. Because shepherds do not reside in a single place.

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Harshal Wahane

I'm an engineering student and started blogging for sharing my knowledge with others